Tuesday, April 4, 2017
02:15 PM - 02:45 PM
Level: | Product/Service Offering
Organizations have massive amounts of data scattered throughout their enterprise and often struggle to see this data in the context of where and how it’s being used by enterprise processes, technologies, and applications. This visibility and understanding is absolutely critical to building the data-driven enterprise and to the solid foundation of every big data initiative.
In this interactive session, we’ll explore the key elements of building the data-driven enterprise including: - Taking a unified approach to hybrid data management, assets and architectures
- Integrating new data management technologies and deployment methods into existing business architectures
- Democratizing enterprise data though increased fluency, accountability and collaboration
The result? Delivering a single source of the truth for enterprise business data for operational, analytics, and business intelligence excellence.
Martin Owen? is responsible for driving product management, product strategy and customer support at erwin. Prior to joining erwin, Martin was Chief Executive Officer at enterprise architecture provider, Corso.
Martin has held executive and senior management and technical positions in IBM, Telelogic and Popkin. He has been instrumental in driving forward the product management of enterprise architecture, portfolio management and asset management tooling. Martin is also active with industry standards bodies and was the driver behind the first business process-modeling notation (BPMN) standard. Martin has led the ArchiMate® and UML mapping initiatives at the Open Group and was part of the capability based planning standards team.